Ages: Birth – 3yrs
Babies are never too young to have the Word of God spoken over them. God’s Word accomplishes all it is sent to do and will not return void! At Trinity, we’re not just babysitting. We want parents to feel confident that their child is being ministered to while they’re in the nursery through story and prayer time.

Ages: 4yrs – 6th grade
Leader: Pastor John
Children’s Church is an opportunity for kids to experience worship and a sermon on a Sunday morning. The sermon is based on the message in the adult service that Sunday. We believe that when adults and kids are receiving the same message it will create a more cohesive family experience on a Sunday morning.
First Time Guests

Ages: 2nd – 6th grade
Leader: Teresa Rogers
Bible quizzing is a Bible study & memorization program for children 2nd – 6th grade on Sunday mornings at 9:15am in the Children’s Department.
Bible quizzing helps children learn and understand what the Bible says so that they can demonstrate biblical teachings in real life situations. This year, the kids are studying Matthew.

Leader: Debbie Weaver
Eureka! is a Bible-based curriculum for children 4 years old – 1st grade during Equip Hour at 9:15am on Sunday mornings in the Children’s Department.
A lot of Children’s curriculum tells kids what they need to learn at the beginning of the lesson, and then they’ll study a Bible story to prove it. Eureka! flips that script. It presents a passage of Scripture, gives kids the steps they need to explore that passage, and then challenges them to find out what the passage says about God and about us.