Acts 1: Power’s Comin’
Welcome to Acts! As a part of our Daily Reading you'll notice that we started with Luke intentionally to lead right into reading the Book of Acts. Being the author of both books, Luke again gives a careful account concerning the "acts" of the Holy Spirit working...
Acts 4: Filled with the Holy Spirit
I want you to think about this question, maybe even right down your answer: What are all the things you know about the Holy Spirit, or what the Holy Spirit does? Here's a follow-up question: How much of your answer have you learned specifically from the first four...
Acts 7: Cut to the Heart
I want you to do something a little different today. I want you to read the story found in Acts 3:1-11 twice. It won't take you long, but read it through once, then the second time around, I want to think about who you are in the story. Acts 3:1-11 Who Are You in the...
Acts 10: Two Men, One Plan
Leaving off in Acts 9, the church at this point is experiencing a time of peace. Found in the first nine chapters of Acts, a cycle of "quality" and "quantity" begins to emerge in the church's growth pattern. To put it simply, God doesn't supply times of quantity,...
Acts 2: The Moment of Truth
I have to admit, there were times in high school I didn't pay the closest attention. I was at a large Christian event being held at the Philadelphia Spectrum in high school, and I found myself sitting next to, and being distracted by, a group of girls. Not paying...
Acts 5: It’s Not About the Money!
Meet my Friend, "Consequence" I have to confess, one of my greatest character defects growing up was lying. I would lie about everything, even if telling the truth wouldn't have gotten me in trouble. I don't know why I lied but it became so prevalent I started to...
Acts 8: Why Not Now?
Acts 8 is the location of one of my favorite stories in the bible. It's the story found at the end of the chapter when Philip baptizes the Ethiopian Eunuch. If you haven't yet, take the time to familiarize yourself with the story. Acts 8:26-40 (NLT) I LOVE the...
Acts 11: USABLE
The church in Antioch for many reason's was a church of firsts. It was the first daughter church (church plant) that grew large enough to support the mother church (Jerusalem). It was also the first place the disciples were called "Christians" ("Christ's ones"-the...
Acts 3: Atenzio
I want you to do something a little different today. I want you to read the story found in Acts 3:1-11 twice. It won't take you long, but read it through once, then the second time around, I want to think about who you are in the story. Acts 3:1-11 Who Are You in the...
Acts 6: Food Programs are Dumb
Now that I got your attention... Well, it didn't take long for grumbling and complaining to arrive at Jerusalem First Church. I mean really, it’s going to be a problem anytime your church grows between five and three thousand every time you're together. Can you...
Acts 9: Strength and Peace in the Church
Acts 9 is famous for the story of Saul becoming Paul. It's one of the most incredible stories of transformation and conversion in the entire Bible. However, my reflections are meant to help us look deeper into the less popular points of the chapter. Every time I sit...
Acts 12: Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid
He said, “If you see me as your friend, I’ll be your friend. As you see me as your father, I’ll be your father.” He said, “If you see me as your God, I’ll be your God.” These are the words of former Peoples Temple Member, Hue Fortson Jr., regarding the American cult...